What's New
August 2024: Max7225 Irish Air Corps Selection 2024 now available! This limited edition sheet features the following subjects:
Airbus C295 2024 ( Answer kit)
Pilatus PC12NG Spectre (Sova-M kit)
Airbus EC-135 x2 (Revell kit)
Siai Marchetti SF 260 (Special Hobby kit)
Avro Anson XIX (Valom kit modified with new wing)
DH Dove ( A Model kit)
Bonus Decal 1/48 scale : Percival Provost T.53 ( Mikro-Mir kit)
Bonus Decal 1/32 scale: Airbus EC-135 x2 (Revell kit)
They cost 16euro each. I can accept payment via Paypal to joe@maxdecals.com.
Please conatct me first before palcing an order for postage costs to your part of the world.

June 2024:Some people have asked how to order the new decal sheet. Just drop an email to joe@maxdecals.com and I'll get back to you with the details. Apart from the new Max7226 Irish Civil Classics Pt 1 I also have the following sheets available in limited quantities:
Max4810 Lockheed Hudson selection
Max4814 Irish Air Corps Avro Anson, DH9
Max4820 Irish Air Corps selection 1990-2010 (very limited)
Max4822 Antarctic helicopters pt1
Max4823 Fouga Magisters
Max4824 Turbo-Porter selection
The above are 12 euro each plus postage. Max7226 is 16 euro each plus postage.
As regards other forthcoming decals the next one will be Max7225 Irish Air Corps selection 2024 including decals for the PC-12 and EADS C295 (soon to be released by Answer Models) together with some other helicopter subjects.
After that the planned releases are:
Max7227 Irish Civil Classics Pt.2 Aer Lingus DH Viking1c ad C-47 in the green/gold scheme from 1948.
Max7228 Irish Civil Classics Pt.3 Aer Lingus C-47 in the green/white scheme from 1960.
Re-releases of older sheets will depend on sales of the above!
May 2024: Our first new decal sheet in years is now available.
Max7226 Irish Civil Classics Pt. 1 features the Aer Lingus DC-3/C-47 and Bristol Freighter from the early 1950s in 1/72 scale. This limited edition silk screen printed decal sheet contains enough markings for one Bristol Freigher and one DC-3 or C-47 with or without the cargo door. markings are also provided for inside the C-47 doors should you wish to model them open. The decals are suitable for any C-47 kit from Airfix, Italeri or others. The Bristol Freighter markings are suitable for the Fly Models Bristol Freighter Mk31 kit. RRP is €16 each plus postage.

January 2021: The shop is now closed. Thank you to all my customers over the years. I hope to be back with a new range of products in the not too distant future.
October 2018: Max7211, Max7220, Max7221,Max7223 and Max4821 are sold out
1/48 scale Max4823 International Fouga Magister selection
Suitable for the new Kinetic, Wingman or Avante Garde kits as well as the old Fonderie miniatures kits
�12 euro including worldwide postage.

Released in March 2014
Max4824 International Turboporter selection
Price is �12 including worldwide postage.

To celebrate the launch of the International Fouga magister decal sheet we are temporarily reducing the price on Fouga Magister - An Irish perspective to 15 euro plus postage and packing. This book is the definitive guide to the Fouga magister and is the ideal reference for those that wish to detail the Airfix, heller or any of the new kits coming from Kinetic, Avant Garde, MPM or Valom
Max7223 International Fouga Magister selection
A treat for all Fouga fans and anyone interested in small airforces. Suitable for the Heller, Airfix and Valom kits.On Sale 9th November. �14 each including worldwide postage.SOLD OUT
- Irish Air Corps Silver Swallows Display Team
- Togo
- Katanga
- Lebanon
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Senegal
- Cameroon
- Finland
- Bangladesh
Max7220 Irish Air Corps 1956- 2010 with bonus decals for Irish Army vehicles in 1/35 scale
- Chipmunk 169 or Chipmunk 164
- Puma 242
- Kingair 234 or 240
- Vampire 186 0r 192
- Gazelle 241
- Marchetti 226
- Cessna 172 No. 206
- Provost 189 or 189A.
In 1/35 scale markings are provided for:
- Universal Carrier
- Rolls Royce Armoured Car 1920 pattern
- Churchill Tank
- Scorpion tank
- Ford 1940 V8 lorry

Temporary Reduced Price 15 euro plus postage and packing Click on the above image to view some sample pages and list of contents.
With its distinctive "butterfly" tail, the iconic French built Fouga Magister jet trainer was operated by the Light Strike Squadron of the Irish Air Corps for 24 years between 1975 and 1999 and became famous in Ireland as the mount for the Silver Swallows Aerobatic Display Team. This volume outlines the development of the Fouga Magister in France, the first encounter by Irish troops of the aircraft during UN peacekeeping operations in the Congo in 1961 and the subsequent purchase of six Fouga Magisters for the Air Corps in 1975. Complete with anecdotes and reminiscences by those who flew and maintained it, the story of the Silver Swallows and their award winning display at the 1997 Royal International Air Tattoo is described in detail. Containing over 160 photos and with specially commissioned scale drawings and side profiles, this book should appeal to the aviation enthusiast, historian and scale modeller.
Cover photo: Dave Corcoran
Most recent releases are shown below.
New feature
Notes on Irish Air Corps colours and markings Part1
Max7222 Antarctic Helicopters Pt. 1
- Sikorsky HO4S-3 from the Icebreaker USS glacier 1956.
- Sikorsky S-55 Grupo Aeronaval Antartico, Argentine Navy 1968.
- Sikorsky HUS-1L "kingpin II, VX-6 US Navy 1957.
- Sikorsky LH-34 operated by VX-6 in 1965.
- Bell UH-1B, US Army c, 1962-63 (two schemes)
- Bell UH-1D, US Army, 1969.
- Bell UH-1D, VX-6, US Navy, 1970.
- Bell 212 Uruguayan Air Force, c mid 1990's.
- AS332B Super Puma, Argentine Army c. mid 1990's.
- Bell 412, Chilean Air Force, 2009
- Bo-105C Uruguayan Navy, 2010
- CH-101 on board Japanese Icebreaker Shirase in 2010.
Max4822 Antarctic Helicopters Pt. 1
- Sikorsky S-55 Grupo Aeronaval Antartico, Argentine Navy 1968.
- Bell UH-1B, US Army c, 1962-63 (two schemes)
- Bell UH-1D, US Army, 1969.
- Bell UH-1D, VX-6, US Navy, 1970.
- Bell 212 Uruguayan Air Force, c mid 1990's.
- Bo-105C Uruguayan Navy, 2010
- Alouette II, Belgian Antarctic Expedition c. mid 1960s.
- Alouette II, French Antarctic Expeditions mid 1960's.
New decals for March 2011 are Max 4821 Irish Air Corps 1922-56 and Max7221 Irish Air Corps 1922-52. These limited edition double sheet packs complete with colour instructions effectively replace the long out of print Max4801 Max7202 and Max7203 from over a decade ago. Over the intervening years many new kits have emerged that are suitable for modelling Irish Air Corps subjects and a list of recommended kits are included in the instruction sheets. These limited edition decal packs can be ordered from our online shop. The price is 14euro each including worldwide postage.
Max4821 IAC 1922-56
- Gloster Gladiator
- Westland Lysander Mk II
- Supermarine Seafire LF.III
- Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc
- Supermarine Walrus
- DHC-1 Chipmunk
- Bristol F.2B
- DH Vampire T.55
- Martinsyde F.4 Buzzard
- Avro 504K
- DH60 Cirrus Moth
- Bonus decals for 1/32 SA330L Puma
Max7221 IAC 1922-52
- Gloster Gladiator
- Westland Lysander Mk II
- Supermarine Seafire LF.III
- Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc
- Supermarine Walrus
- Bristol F.2B
- Martinsyde F.4 Buzzard
- Avro 504K
- DH60 Cirrus Moth
- Fairey Battle TT1
- Avro Anson 1
- Lockheed Hudson 1
- Miles Martinet TT1
- Hawker Hind
- Hawker Hector
- DH 84 Dragon II
- Grunau Baby II Glider
- Bonus serial in 1/32 for F.2B kit from Wingnut Wings
Recently released sheet Max4820 Irish Air Corps 1990-2010 is still available
Max4820 Irish Air Corps 1990-2010
- Pilatus PC-9M
- Cessna FR-172H
- Siai-Marchetti SF260W Warrior
- Alouette III
- SA 342 Gazelle
- SA 365Fi Dauphin
- Bonus decals for Irish army vehicle badges in 1/35
A limited number of our best selling Antarctic Hercules sheet were reprinted last year and are currently still available but selling fast.
Max7211 Antarctic Hercules Double sheet
- Lockheed LC-130R Hercules of VXE-6
- Lockheed HC-130H Hercules of 105th AW NY ANG
- Bonus decal: lockheed C-121L constellation VXE-6
Max4814 Irish Air Corps selection has decals for the Avro Anson in 1/48 scale (Classic Airframes kit), the Airco DH.9 in 1/48 scale (Roden kit) and the Eurocopter EC-135 in both 1/32 and 1/72 for the Revell kits. A limited number of thses sheets are still available.
All of the above sheets plus many others can be ordered directly from us at our MAX DECALS SHOP |